Baptism: What Do the Scriptures Teach?

Baptism: What Do the Scriptures Teach?"Or do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus have been baptized into His death? Therefore we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life." -Romans 6:3-4

What would you think of a denomination whose fundamental position as to their doctrine and baptismal practices was based on a sole proof-text that actually has nothing to say about either water or mode of baptism? If their passage has nothing to do with water baptism, then what does it have to do with? What does the entire Bible have to say on the issue of baptism?

In typical exegetical practice, like the Bereans of old, Timothy Klaver examines every passage pertaining to baptism, as well as every baptism recorded in Scripture. He sifts through the details like a true detective, unearthing truths that every Christian needs to come to terms with and accept, regardless of how they were raised, what they were taught, or what they might presently believe.

Every passage of Scripture must be interpreted exegetically based on the surrounding context, the details contained in each passage, and the whole counsel of the Word of God. Once we see what God's Word has to say on the matter, it is our duty to conform ourselves and our beliefs to that Word.

Format: Paperback | eBook
Page Count: 105
Publication Date: 2017
Dimensions: 5 x 8 (inches)
ISBN-13: 979-8685620866

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